Thursday, April 26, 2007

New John Deere

Dad was a hit with the boys when he brought home a new John Deere Gator. Parker is pretty good driver. Spencer on the other hand has two speeds stop and fast. Cooper is quite content to ride as a passenger. He hasn't quite figured out how to make it go. For the most part

the do a pretty good job sharing. I only wish they would have made it with seatbelts.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Easter!

Easter was cold this year but still a celebration. The boys and I went to church that morning so I could practice with the worship team. Everyone else met us there later for service. Church has been wonderful for Parker. He is really starting to ask a lot of great questions some of which I have to research before I can answer. There are times he comes home from Sunday school and teaches the rest of us something we didn't know.

The Easter Bunny brought the boys wach a riding toy. A scooter for Parker, a tricyle for Spencer, and cozy coupe for Cooper.